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Can I Get a Speeding Ticket While Driving with the Flow of Traffic?

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The idea that you cannot be ticketed for speeding while going with the flow of traffic is a myth—and believing it can cost you a lot of money. Drivers who drive over the posted speed limit in efforts to keep up with traffic or keep certain travel lanes moving faster than others are often surprised to find out this is still a ticket-able offense that can result in hundreds of dollars in fines, points on your license, and even jail time, depending on the offense and the number of previous related offenses.

If driving in the so-called “fast lane,” be aware that it is for going around other drivers, not for unchecked speeding. You can avoid temptation to match the speed of drivers who are moving too fast by not using the passing lane as a primary travel lane. Also be aware that, even when passing, there is no legal provision for vehicles moving faster than the posted speed limit. Even if you are traveling alongside vehicles moving at the same rate or faster than you, you will still be considered by police to be speeding and, therefore, breaking the law, making you subject to all of the consequences of that traffic ticket. Some related consequences, such as insurance premium hikes, can stick with you for years and cost you far more than the initial fine.

If you are being faced with a traffic citation you feel is unfair, unnecessarily burdensome, or the result of a misunderstanding, let the Jacksonville traffic ticket lawyers at Owenby Law, P.A. help. We are experienced in minimizing fines, mitigating harsh penalties, and helping you protect your driving record.

Call us at (904) 770-3141 to get started, or set up your complimentary consultation with us today.