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Back-to-School Child Custody Tips Every Divorced Parent Should Know

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While creating a child custody agreement or parenting plan during your divorce proceedings, it can be easy to focus on the here-and-now and not realize that some future circumstances will conflict with the plan you choose. In particular, parents all across the country are surprised to find themselves in the middle of a family law dispute about custody duties during the first back-to-school season since their divorce finalized. As summer vacations end and children need to start going to school and spending large portions of their days there, divorced parents may experience a noticeable shift of responsibilities and schedules that cause everyone frustrations.

To help avoid custody complications during back-to-school season, consider these tips:

  • Schools: Where your child will go to school and what grade they are beginning each play a major role in how your child custody arrangement might need to change. For example, if your child is beginning junior high school and you live all the way across town from their new school, it might make more sense to assign custody to your ex-spouse, who lives closer to the school, for the weekdays.
  • Occupations: The work schedules of you and your spouse will need to be carefully considered now that summer vacation is ending for your children. Getting up early and bringing your kids to school might not be a possibility for you due to your job expectations, and that might be in direct conflict with your role as the primary custodial parent.
  • Modifications: Florida family law courts allow you to modify child custody and parenting plans as needed, as long as the best interests of all children are still protected and upheld. It might make sense for you and your ex-spouse to make official modifications to your parenting plans once your children return to school. Informal agreements are generally problematic and unenforceable if things go wrong.
  • Daycare: When a modification cannot be made but occupational responsibilities keep you from picking up your children from school, you should start researching daycares near the school. Some are even on school grounds for convenience.

Figuring out a parenting plan or modification that accommodates the scheduling changes caused by back-to-school season can be complicated. With Owenby Law, P.A. and our Jacksonville family law attorneys, you can simplify the process and be certain that your case is progressing correctly by allowing us to act on your behalf. We are known throughout Florida for providing compassionate and effective legal services to people confronted with unexpected family law cases.

Go ahead and call us at 904.770.3141 to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation case evaluationwith our team.
